April 12, 2012: The Power of Horses: An Introduction to the Epona Approach ™ with Kathleen Ingram, Dusseldorf, Germany
January 22, 2012 by Kathleen
The Power of Horses: An Introduction to the Epona Approach ™ with Kathleen Ingram, Co-founder of the Approach.
A full day of learning, horse experience, and the basics behind the Epona Approach ™. This is not a method of training but an approach to being in integrity with the horse and the client.
Cost: 180€ with snacks and a vegetarian lunch.
This workshop will be held in English – German translation possible if required.
Please contact Eva Balzer, Stockweg 143, 45481 Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Email: kontakt@evabalzer.de
Mobile phone: +49 (0)172-2320836
Filed under: Calendar, Events, Kathleen's Travels
Tagged: Authentic Sustainable Relationship, Brain research, coaching and EFL, coaching vs. psychotherapy, continuing education, continuing education weekend, education with horses, Efficacy of Equine Therapy, EFL training, efl workshops, epona approach with kathleen barry ingram, equine assisted coaching, equine experiential, equine experiential facilitated learning, equine experiential learning, Equine Faciliated Learning, equine facilitatd learning, equine facilitated training programs, equine mentorship, equine psychotherapy, equine therapy, equine wisdom, equine workshops, facilitated equine experiential learning, horses and healing, horses and therapy, horses as healers, horses as teachers, Implicit versus Explicit Knowing, mindfulness and horses, personal mastery in leadership equine experiential learning, working with horses and people, workshops with horses