November 2, 2009 by Kathleen
9 Women graduated from the 2009 program and will be presenting the HEAL MODEL™ to a world-wide audience along with the 2008 graduating class. (look under 2008 Class in Events for information about these facilitators). Leigh, Kathleen and David Young are so pleased that the following individuals will be taking the work and facilitating people and horses towards a more fulfilled and satisfying life.

EVA BALZER: Animal Healing & Coaching for Personal Development:Masters Degree in Business Administration GERMANY

Eva & Jola
Animal Healer: Acupuncture; Osteopathy; Animal Communication; Reiki I & II; Family Therapy
Contact Information: Germany Tel+491722320836;
SANDRA BOE: Founder & Program Director, Boots ‘n Breeches Therapeutic Horsemanship; Advanced NARHA Instructor WASHINGTON STATE “As a therapeutic riding instructor, I have seen the amazing transformative power that happens when you connect in relationship with a horse. I have experienced it myself in my own personal journey as I have coped with multiple sclerosis since 1998. I know I am as well as I am because of my work with the horses. As an EFL practioner, I hope to offer the opportunity to engage in healing relationships with our equine partners.”

Sandra Boe
Contact Information: Tacoma, Washington,
MATNEY COOK: TLC Horsemanship: Safe & Gentle coaching for both horses and humans who walk the path towards true connection through self-aware horsemanship. WASHINGTON STATE
“What were dreams for me a year ago are now a rality because of this life changing HEAL program. Not only have I learned the skills that enable me to step into my soul’s purpose, I’ve also gained the confidence to facilitate others on their journey to authenticity. I am so grateful to Leigh and Kathleen for helping me to hear the horses calling and learn to believe in my own magic.”

Matney Cook
Contact Information: Washington State
Tel: 360-420-5520
EMMA DINNAGE: Heart of the Herd: EFL with my horses and yours; Spiritual Healing for humans and horses and all animals; Animal Bereavement; Flower Essences and Essential Oils. UNITED KINGDOM
” I have experienced and trained in various energy healing methods over the past 5 years and am a student member of the NFSH (National Federation of Spiritual Healers). I have studied Touch for Health Kinesiology and am currently working towards a diploma in Zoopharmacognosy at the Ingraham Academy in the UK”

Emma Dinnage & Charlie
Contact Information: United Kingdom
ROBIN KRUEGER: NARHA EFHMA membe; Board Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center. WASHINGTON
” Training in EFL facilitation enables facilitators to help others experience their own authentic self. But it begins with one’s personal journey to a place of individual authenticity. The challenge of arriving and holding consciousness in that space is the greatest gift we can give one another, especially in such a demanding and rapidly changing worls. It works.”

Robin Krueger
Contact Information: Washington State
ANN GLAZE: Small Business Advisor- Specializing i Process Improvement and Communications; B.S. in Business Adminstration, Computer Science: 30 years of experience in managing people, programs and processes. Offering EFL workshops to support client’s desire to change. WASHINGTON

Ann Glaze
“Not fully understanding why the call to take this course was so strong, I trusted that heeding the call would make sense over time. The work has always made such sense to me and has had a significant impact on me personally, vut I was not sure how it might fit into my work as a small business advisor. I see now that the horses allow us to see ourselves more clearly and to release old patterns of behavior that hold us back. Clarity and process improvement are core principles of my business practice. What better way to help business people think about things differently than to partner them with a horse? The willingness to risk change is what this work is all about”
Contact Information: Washington State
Tel: 253-209-6358
CHARMAINE LANE: Bsc Animal Science; Master Practioner of NLP and Hypnosis: UNITED KINGDOM
EFL Sessions; NLP and Hypnosis

Charmaine Lane
“Being a part of the 2009 HEAL program has been one of the best decisions I have made. Following my heart, part of me had no idea what to expect or quite how soon something I would like to do one day, is now becoming part of my reality. Throughout the last year of my life, I have been remembering what has been hidden in me all along, and trusting myself more and more. I now feel I am ready to share the wisdom of the horses with other people using the exercises and tools from the HEAL MODEL™. This program has empowered me to take my knowledge and inner knowing out into the world and start making a difference in other people’s lives.”
Contact Information: United Kingdom
Old Stables Park Farm
Chelwood, Bristol, BS39 4NH
United Kingdom
Tel: 07830070680
DONNA MARTINO: Certified Reiki II Practitioner; Certified Medicosult Health Technician
EFL Individual Programs; Reiki; Magnetic Resonance Stimulation for Horses and Humans. COLORADO

Donna Martino & Kah-Ching
” I have always loved horses and wanted to help people, but did not know how to put the two together. The HEAL program has helped me to discover my gifts, my passion and a neq purpose in life. This year has been an exciting journey with the very first EFL workshop I attended in Scottsdale in February, to a private intensive with Kathleen and Lisa Dee in April, and culminating with the HEAL Facilitator Training Program in June and October. Now it is time to bring the magic home to my own program by helping empower women through their own journey of self discovery with the horses”.
Contact Information: Colorado
Parker, Colorado
Tel: 303-880-7144
MAAIKE de HOOP: Adolescent Home for Youth at Risk: PORTUGAL
“We take adolescents that have problems into our home for a couple of months and teach them how to get a “grip” on their lives again. The horses play an important role in this process.

Maaike, Tammy and Tanyka"This year has been life changing. I got to know myself a lot better and I became more whole. I learned to trust my intuition, my body and my inner wisdom. Horses are great healers and I leanred how to facilitate and hold the "sacred place of possibility" for others. I want to share the wisdom of the horse with others. Kathleen and Leigh created a safe place for everybody to open up and bloom. I learned so much and am really thankful for the place and the amazing people.Contact Information: PortugalQuinta do Colaco, PortugalTel: 00351275561538Tel: 00351916100048maaikeinportugal@mac.comwww.howdoyoudo.nlEmma & Charlie